Born 1947 in Zurich, Switzerland
Lives and works in Winterthur and Lucca, Italy.
1968 graduated from Zurich Kunstgewerbeschule as Typographer and Graphic Designer
1972 –1976 Studytrip around the world with longer stays in Singapore, Kobe, Tokyo, Hawaii, San Francisco, Mexico, Caracas, Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo.
1973 1st Study of Intaglio Printmaking at Studio Gaston Petit and Isao Akagawa in Tokyo. Since then Printmaking always has been the center of his artistic work.
Artist in Residences and guest lecturer in numerous Art Academies and Printmaking Centers around the world:
Leipzig, Hamburg, Berlin, Kasterlee, Belgium; Havanna, Cuba; New York, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Brazil Varanasi and Kolkata, India
The artist has explored many corners oft he world of art history and their forms: the tranquil power ot forms from Mediterrane antiquity in Italy and Middle East, the islamic ornaments from the North Arfrican Coast and the Asiatic aesthetics of illumination he encountered in India. In Japan not only the Calligraphy and Contemporary Textil Design had inspired Wengers Prints but also the black and white wall paintings and folding screens.
For over 40 years of Printmaking Georges Wenger, Switzerland‘s most accomplished and dynamic printer, has worked with many outstanding artists of his time and has enlarged the conception of the collaborative Printermaking.
Wenger’s mental journey led from Japan to the Pre-Columbian and Native American ethnic cultures only then to return to his own European roots. Wenger has earned an international reputation for his art, achieving renown in Intaglio Printmaking, wood block prints and Linocuts with works in major museums and public and privat collections throughout the world such as Museo de Arte Moderna, Sao Paulo; Kunsthaus Zurich, New York Public Library, Kunsthalle Hamburg, Teheran Museum of Modern Art, Fondation Beyeler, Switzerland and recently at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London.
While still traveling and coorperating with artists in Middle East, Latinamerika, USA, UK and Asia, Wenger retains strong European roots – seamlessly combines East and West, exploring the artistic and spiritual traditions in both.
1947年 スイス・チューリッヒ生まれ。
1968年 カンストジョーバショー学校で印刷技術とグラフィックデザインを学び卒業する。
1972〜1976年 シンガポール、神戸、東京、ハワイ、サンフランシスコ、メキシコ、カラカス、ブエノスアイレス、サンパウロなど世界各国を旅する。
1973年 東京にあるガストンプチアトリエにて赤川勲氏より凹版印刷技術を学ぶ。以来、版画を中心に制作を行うようになる。
アーティスト・イン・レジデンスで世界中の国々を回り、美術系大学や版画制作所で特別講義をする。(ライプツィヒ、ハンブルク、ベルリン、ベルギー カステルレー、キューバ ハバナ、ニューヨーク、ブラジル ブエノスアイレス、サンパウロ、インド ヴァーラーナシー、コルカタ)
中東、ラテンアメリカ、北米、イギリス、アジアなど世界中の国々のアーティストとコラボレーションをする中、ジョージス・ウェンガーは未だにヨーロッパのルーツを強く意識しており、一貫して東洋と西洋とを結びつけ、両地域における伝統的な精神性や芸術性を探し求めている。 |
To produce like a plant that produces a fruit, is the very essence of life
and death. That is why I‘m delighted with the mysterious duet between nature
and muse.
Bilden, wie die Pflanze ihre Frucht bildet, ist das Wesen von Leben und Vergehen. Deshalberfreue ich mich am ratselhaften Duett von Natur und Muse.
それ故、私は自然とミューズの神秘的なデュエットに喜びを感じるのです。 |